Three Essential Features to Include in Your Commercial Timber Storage Shed

Three Essential Features to Include in Your Commercial Timber Storage Shed

Three Essential Features to Include in Your Commercial Timber Storage Shed

16 April 2020
Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Do you have a large scale timber business? If so, you need reliable space to store the wood as you wait to sell it. A custom shed is one of the best storage options for commercial use. You can customise the shed to include features that best suit the material you're storing. What's more, industrial sheds are easy to construct, and they offer a ton of space at affordable costs. As you consider buying a custom shed for timber storage, here are three essential features you should include:

Adequate Ventilation and Insulation

One of the greatest concerns in timber storage is moisture and its potentially damaging effects on wood. When timber is exposed to moisture, it can start to warp, rot or attract pests. The last thing you want is to lose your investment to moisture problems in your shed. Therefore, it's crucial to invest in built-in ventilation and insulation solutions. This is particularly important in metal sheds which tend to form condensation during the hot months.

Adequate ventilation in the form of large windows ensures smooth airflow in the shed to reduce moisture problems. Similarly, insulation maintains optimal temperatures in the shed and reduces condensation problems. To further reduce moisture issues, consider investing in an air conditioner with a dehumidifier to cool the space, remove excess moisture and protect the wood from damage.

Sturdy, Raised Floors

Flooring plays a critical role in determining the performance and reliability of your commercial shed. If your business is located in an area that's prone to flooding, you may want to install raised floors in your shed. This protects your wood from moisture during the rainy season. Note that raising the floor slab may require you to build a foundation for the shed.

Note that most floors tend to collect moisture when items are stored directly on them. Therefore, you may want to combat this by going for flooring options that prevent moisture problems in storage sheds. For example, install a low-permeance vapour barrier on the floor. Talk to your shed manufacturer about including these customisations to safeguard your investment.

Durable and Reliable Roofing

The material you choose for your shed's roof will play a significant role in protecting the timber from the elements. Therefore, invest in durable and reliable roofing solutions such as metal roofs. Avoid materials that tend to leak easily as the leaks can introduce moisture inside the shed and damage your wood. Your shed's roof can also have extra features such as a reflective surface to reflect solar radiation and protect the shed from heating up on hot afternoons. This can go a long way in preserving your timber.

When you're building a shed for timber storage, you need to address potential issues that could compromise the quality of the wood. Include these customisations into your shed construction so you can design a reliable structure for your business.

To get a custom shed build for you, contact a manufacturer in your area.

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