3 Ways Screw Piles Can Make Building Easier

3 Ways Screw Piles Can Make Building Easier

3 Ways Screw Piles Can Make Building Easier

24 April 2020
Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

How much time do you spending thinking about the foundation of your home? If your home is well-built, you probably scarcely consider the foundation at all, yet it is the foundation on which everything else rests. You would soon realize it if the foundation was missing or badly constructed, as the entire building would begin to list or subside as the ground beneath the building shifted. The same principle can be applied to any building on which you are working. When it comes to erecting a new building, you must carefully consider what type of foundation or piling would be most suitable for your purposes.

There are lots of different ways you could approach the construction of foundations or piling, but here are three reasons to think about using screw piles for whatever you are building next.

Screw piles are easy to install

Normally, when you want to fit piles, you will have to bring specialised equipment to your site and pound the piles deep into the ground. Screw piles are much less likely to require expensive, specialised equipment, and they can be screwed into the ground rather than needing to be knocked into the earth. Being able to fit screw piles with readily available equipment will be easier under all circumstances, but it can particularly make a difference when you need to work in locations that may be inaccessible or 'off the beaten track'.

Screw piles are ready to work more rapidly

Rotating screw piles into the ground will always be faster than knocking them in with heavy equipment, but what really stands out with screw piles is that there is no settling period. Once you insert a screw pile, it can be used instantly to bear weight. With other piling techniques, you must pause your work on the project while you await the setting of the concrete pile or the hardening of the grout, which all adds to the time and therefore the costs of the building project.

Screw piles reduce noise pollution

One of the biggest problems with building in an urban environment is the noise generated by the building process. If you have ever worked on a site in close proximity to homes or public areas, then you will know that severe restrictions can be placed on what you can and can't do. Since conventional piling involves hammering piles into the ground, it can be a noisy process. By contrast, screwing piles into the ground it is quieter and can be done at almost any time.

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