What You Need to Know About Reusable Pallets

What You Need to Know About Reusable Pallets

What You Need to Know About Reusable Pallets

27 April 2020
Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Pallets are mainly used in the warehousing and distribution industry to provide a platform for commodities to be safely and easily handled and stored. They can either be plastic, metallic or wooden and are designed in a way that a forklift can securely and safely lift and move them. After their work is complete (commodities placed on them have been removed), they can either be reused for warehousing and distribution services or be sold for other purposes.

Availability of Reusable Pallets

You might not come across many reusable metallic pallets in the market because they are normally reused by warehouses and distribution industries. They are considered expensive for repetitive new purchases.

The reusable pallets you mostly come across in the market are wooden and plastic pallets (wooden pallets are the most common followed by plastic pallets).

What Can You Use Reusable Plastic Pallets for?

Plastic reusable pallets are best used for refrigeration needs because they don't get affected by cold temperature. They can also be used in hydroponic farming because plastic is waterproof and won't get damaged. All you have to do is use your creativity to get to know other areas you can use them, especially for your landscaping and improvisatory needs.

What Can You Use Reusable Wooden Pallets for?

Wooden pallets have many uses; you can use the pieces of wood from the pallet as a cheap source of firewood and building timber. You can also use the wooden pallet as it is for a particular wooden structure, where you might require to join several wooden pallets together to form the desired structure.

Wooden pallets also have many uses in the landscaping sector; timber is a material that is required for different structures including outdoor furniture and fences. You don't have to purchase new and expensive planks of wood for your landscaping needs. All you have to do is ensure you purchase wooden pallets that have moderate to high quality. During purchase, you might realise that there are different categories of quality, poor quality wooden pallets are mostly used as a cheap source of firewood.

Treated Wooden Pallets

Some companies that sell used wooden pallets usually refurbish them to increase their durability. If you need treated wooden pallets, ensure to check whether the company you are buying from offers wood treatment services. This is especially the case when you need wooden pallets to build outdoor furniture. They need to be treated to prevent an insect attack and a sealant applied to prevent moisture intake or damage from harsh weather. 

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