Learn All You Need About Pre-Insulated Fibrous Glass Ducts

Learn All You Need About Pre-Insulated Fibrous Glass Ducts

Learn All You Need About Pre-Insulated Fibrous Glass Ducts

13 May 2020
Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning ducts are necessary parts of a modern home. The systems work around the clock to maintain the right conditions in your house, regardless of the weather. Regular use of your HVAC systems certainly influences the energy consumption in your house. You need proper installation and good-quality equipment to balance costs and comfort. Additionally, you should count on the material to prevent the growth of mould, promote fire safety and excellent acoustic control during operation. In short, you need pre-insulated fibrous glass ducts for your HVAC systems. Here is more you need to learn about these materials:

An Overview of Fibrous Glass Duct Systems

Fibrous glass duct systems comprise thick and flat board stocks of reinforced aluminium. The aluminium undergoes specialised factory application to create a perfect air barrier across the whole duct. The factories rely on special hand tools to give them a precise human touch. Machines come in handy for closure ad grooving.

Other duct fittings such as elbows, transitions, offsets and tees are designed using the same fibrous glass modules or flat board stock. Ideally, using the same module for the fittings ensures consistent performance of the ducts. Additionally, the construction ensures total control of noise borne by the ductwork.

Fibrous Glass Insulation for Sheet Metal Ducts

You can use fibrous glass insulation on sheet metal HVAC ducts. The application works for both commercial and residential air-conditioning ductwork, regulating the movement of air and helping with noise attenuation. The liners here come with a thermosetting resin to make them dimensionally stable and capable of withstanding the abuse that sheet metal ducts experience.

The fibrous glass insulation wraps around the sheet metal duct to regulate heat loss and enhance other performance features.

Fibrous Glass Insulation for Flexible Ducts

It is difficult to complete an HVAC installation project without bringing flexible ducts into the equation. You need the flexible ducts to penetrate hard-to-reach spaces in attics, corners and the areas around equipment and fittings.

In this set-up, you are better off going for an inner air duct reinforced with a spiral wire. The resilient fibrous glass insulation is jacketed into the core of the ductwork. The fibrous glass insulation has a water vapour retarder to enable your ductwork to handle extreme moist conditions. It is worth noting that the insulation on the flexible ductwork enhances its ability to stand up to high temperature. Don't hesitate to install the ductwork in kitchens and other areas where high temperature is a common occurrence.  

To learn more about HVAC piping, contact a local contractor.

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