4 Reasons Why Sandblasting Is an Ideal Technique for Surface Treatment

4 Reasons Why Sandblasting Is an Ideal Technique for Surface Treatment

4 Reasons Why Sandblasting Is an Ideal Technique for Surface Treatment

14 December 2020
Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

If you are looking for the best surface treatment technique, then sandblasting offers a good solution. It utilises different media, such as walnut shells, steel grit and glass beads, which are shot at maximum pressure to clean up various surfaces. 

This article will discuss four reasons why you should consider sandblasting as a method for surface treatment. Read on and learn.

Helps Revive Rusty Equipment

Through an oxidation process, metal forms rust, which can damage its surface. Sandblasting is one of the best approaches when planning to eliminate rust from such surfaces. Having your rusted exteriors sandblasted is a quick way to give them a shiny, new look. That's especially helpful if you own sustenance industry hardware that has deteriorated over time and must be restored to its natural look. 

Smoothens Surfaces for Painting

If you are running a painting project, sandblasting is the perfect technique to smoothen surfaces in preparation for new paint. It's the best clean-up method especially for surfaces that have aggregated several paint layers over time. 

When more paint coats are applied, the surface develops knocks and rough spots that can negatively impact a paint finish. Sandblasting preps the surface and gets rid of such deformities through precise cleaning and smoothening.

Blasts Oil and Other Contaminants

Auto shops and garages with equipment that accumulate oils require intensive cleaning in the long run. To ensure their business remains clean and runs efficiently, they must physically clean these oily surfaces. Oils are often tough to clean, and most cleaning detergents will not get the job done effectively. 

The best way to achieve excellent results is through the use of the sandblasting technique. It doesn't require the use of harsh chemicals, and with appropriate media, you can effortlessly get rid of dirt and unrelenting oils from these surfaces. 

Helps You Save More Time

Another significant advantage of sandblasting is its ability to save you more time, ensuring minimal downtime for your business. At high pressure, the sandblasting media can scrape away toxins from target surfaces rapidly. When this task is done by a professional, you can appreciate the impressive results it offers, especially when working on a large project. 


As discussed above, sandblasting offers a myriad of benefits when it comes to surface treatment. To fully take advantage of this technique, consider hiring an experienced sandblaster who utilises the right equipment and media to achieve the best results. 

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