Looking For An In-Ground Flagpole? 3 Qualities You Must Look For

Looking For An In-Ground Flagpole? 3 Qualities You Must Look For

Looking For An In-Ground Flagpole? 3 Qualities You Must Look For

5 January 2021
Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Choosing a flagpole is not the kind of activity that you engage in daily. When you find yourself in need of one for a school, governmental organisation or other corporation, it can be tough to choose. The fact that there are so many brands and suppliers in the market should not worry you. As long as you have a list of the features and qualities that make an excellent flag, you will pick the ideal one for your needs. 

As you compare the different flags by different suppliers, remember to look for these three qualities.

The Material Used to Make the Pole

Material is an essential factor to consider when choosing an in-ground flag pole. The pole will be in contact with soil, moisture, pests and other corrosive substances. If you select a material that can rust or become corroded, your flagpole will serve you for a shorter time than it should. The three most recommended flag pole materials are aluminium, steel and fibreglass. All can withstand all the extreme outdoor conditions, and they do not get damaged by pests. 

Fibreglass is excellent in places whose wind speeds are high because it has a high wind load. On the other hand, aluminium poles are used for commercial applications. Steel flag poles are the rarest types and are typically quite long.

The Wind Speed Rating of the Pole

The second factor to think about is how well your pole can withstand high wind speed. The pole will be out in the wind all day, and if it is not strong enough, it might bend or snap in a storm. 

Typically, flag poles are tested to figure out how well they will withstand wind speed when they are bearing a flag. Before buying any flag, ask about this rating, especially if you live near the beach or in windy areas. 

The Flagpole Finish

The function is essential in a flagpole. However, the finish also matters a lot. Usually, metallic flag poles come in a silver finish. However, if you need yours in a particular colour, you can request the supplier to coat yours in your desired colour. 

On the other hand, fibreglass flagpoles come in a smooth white colour and finish, but you can also have them painted to your desired colour.

Finally, remember that the reputation of the pole manufacturer also matters. Buy your poles from trusted suppliers as they will give you strong, durable and appropriate poles for your specific needs. 

If you have additional questions, contact a local flagpole manufacturer.

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