How to Prepare for Your Commercial Well Drilling Project

How to Prepare for Your Commercial Well Drilling Project

How to Prepare for Your Commercial Well Drilling Project

9 February 2021
Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Good planning is essential when planning to establish a well on your commercial property. In general, drilling a bore on your land will reduce your long-term water expenses for your business operations. Moreover, this is the perfect approach to safeguarding against periods of drought. However, if the project is not well-organised, you could end up in financial distress, and the boring process could fail. Here are some core guidelines to help you promote commercial drilling success.

Plan for Site Assessment

Numerous site factors must be taken into account before commercial drilling. Therefore, you should plan for an assessment of the area in which you intend to establish the feature. Thorough exploration will help determine if the site is suitable for boring for water. Additionally, the check-up will identify any potential problems such as contamination, which could compromise the water quality. For the best results, you should commission a geotechnical survey and soil sample collection and testing.

Check on Approval

You should check on the guidelines for getting approval for your commercial well drilling project. It is important to obtain a permit for the work to avoid complications in the future. Under normal circumstances, you should review all the applicable codes, regulations and laws related to drilling before taking action. This will help you determine your need for approval and the process of getting a permit. If you are uncertain, consult your contractor.

Develop a Safety Plan

The process of drilling can pose a lot of hazards on the commercial site. Therefore, you should develop a safety plan before the work begins. Keep in mind that you might be held liable for onsite accidents. Moreover, unfortunate incidents will cause significant delays in the boring process. The critical issues that you should address concerning safety include access control to the site, personal safety gear, site disturbance problems and waste disposal.

Acquire Equipment

The selected equipment for the commercial drilling project will determine the success of the work. If the machines are not compatible with the specific tasks, you might experience undue downtime and delays. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the unique aspects of your development project before choosing equipment. For instance, the drilling rig should match the ground conditions, general terrain and height of the water table. Also, be diligent when acquiring supporting electrical equipment and consumable supplies. Finally, consult a commercial drilling specialist from the planning phase of the project to prevent mishaps and ensure success.

To learn more, contact a commercial drilling company.

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