4 Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Bolt Failure

4 Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Bolt Failure

4 Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Bolt Failure

11 May 2021
Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Even one failed bolt can have catastrophic consequences for your industrial project. If a bolt can't hold up reliably and safely, you risk your entire contraption falling apart at the worst moment. At best, bolt failure can lead to business delays and lost income. At worst, it could cost you and your employees their health or even their lives. Thankfully, there are many precautionary measures you can take to reduce the risk of bolt failure—here are four of the most useful.

1. Avoid overstressing your bolts

The first way to avoid bolt failure is to avoid putting excess stress on your bolts. Some engineers and constructors choose to overtighten bolts out of fear that they're not tight enough to hold up, but overstressing can actually make the connection weaker, eventually leading to bolt breakage. On top of the stress you put on your bolts, don't forget about the stress of the external materials over time. Using bolts that are too small, thin, or weak for the materials you're binding can also lead to failure.

2. Replace your bolts often

Even the best-made bolts won't last forever. Replacing your bolts may seem like a hassle, but all fasteners weaken naturally over time. Eventually, your bolts won't be able to handle the external forces on them any longer. When that happens, expect serious bolt failure. In general, you'll need to replace your bolts with new, high-quality components every few years. The time it takes you to maintain your fasteners now will save you countless hours, and even possibly countless lives, in the future.

3. Keep away corrosive substances

Corrosion can cause serious deterioration to metals, so it's important that you keep your bolts away from all corrosive substances. If you're using aluminium bolts, for example, don't let caustic soda anywhere near them. In high enough concentrations, it can actually cause aluminium to boil. Steel, on the other hand, most commonly corrodes from moisture and oxygen working in tandem. Sometimes, different types of metals can even react badly with each other, leading to corrosion over time. As such, it's important to make sure to pay close attention to the limitations of your bolt materials and keep them away from anything dangerous.

4. Buy the right bolts

Ultimately, you need to look for the right bolts for your project. Sometimes, different bolts have discrepancies between how much weight they can hold and how much weight their design exudes on them. It's always best to choose a bolt manufacturer with trusted, high-quality fasteners that aren't likely to fail, even if they're more expensive.

For more information about buying bolts, contact a local company, like Illawarra Fasteners Pty Ltd.

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